Have you ever stared at something for a long time, only to look away and see a negative version of the image floating in your vision? This is called an afterimage.
An afterimage is an image that continues to appear in the eyes after a period of exposure to the original image. These can be either negative or positive afterimages.
Stare at one color, but see another. Can you make an image of a bird appear in an empty cage using just your eyes? Well we did that in this exercise. Stare at only one bird at the black dot for atleast 20 seconds. Then, suddenly switch to the cage and you'll see the image of the bird rather afterimage of the bird. The difference is that the color changes when you switch to the cage. This is because our eyes have majorly three color receptors - red, blue & green. When you stare at a particular color for a long time, the receptors are strained hence other color receptors activates. This results in the change of color in afterimage.